Today in crypto, French authorities have suspended judicial restrictions on Telegram founder Pavel Durov until April 7. South Korea’s central bank has confirmed it has not discussed or reviewed the possibility of a Bitcoin reserve. Meanwhile, Jameson Lopp says quantum computers should not be used to restore lost Bitcoin.

Pavel Durov legal restrictions suspended until April 7: Report

Media platform TASS reported that French authorities have suspended judicial control of Durov for three weeks. Citing sources in the French prosecutor’s office, media outlet TASS reported that the agency’s interlocutor said judicial control in relation to Durov was suspended from March 15 to April 7. 

Parallely, the Telegram founder posted an update on the messaging application, saying he was already back in Dubai after spending months in France. Durov said the process is still ongoing but added that it “feels great to be home.”

Pavel Durov shared a post on