As the global demand for gold remains strong and the asset’s price has reached all-time highs, investors face a difficult choice between various gold investment vehicles. Traditional methods for investing in gold come with a number of drawbacks. Physical gold incurs substantial buy and sell fees, gold futures require advanced financial literacy, while gold-backed cryptocurrencies often lack reliable reserve audits, or their sources of gold are opaque.

IPMB: bringing together gold and cryptocurrency

The International Precious Metals Bullion Group (IPMB) combines vast experience in the gold industry with opportunities provided by blockchain technology to offer a novel approach to gold investing that is reliable and cost-efficient. By controlling the crucial steps of the supply chain, IPMB offers favorable pricing and transparency for investors in its gold-backed GoldPro Token (GPRO) and GEM NFTs. 

A recent report published by Cointelegraph provides insight into this precious metals project. It gives an overview of the challenges gold